The Australian Union movement is mourning the loss this week of Lina Cabaero, coordinator of Asian Women at Work.
Lina was an internationalist, who dedicated her life to organising with the oppressed and marginalised. At Asian Women at Work she worked closely with the union movement to empower migrant women workers to take collective action to stand up for their rights. She was a member of the Australian Services Union for over 20 years, and a member of the ASU Branch Executive.
In her university days in the Philippines, she was active in opposing the Marcos dictatorship. She then moved to Hong Kong and worked with the Asian Students Association, and went on to organise migrant workers in Hong Kong. Lina moved to Sydney in 1998, where she was active in the Filipino community through Migrante Australia, and began working at Asian Women at Work in 2001.
Through her involvement in Fairwear and Asian Women at Work Lina was instrumental in the successful campaign to win rights for home based outworkers in the clothing industry.
Lina made an enormous contribution to our movement, and we will continue her struggle for rights for migrant workers. The Australian Union movement sends our heartfelt condolences to Lina’s family, friends, and her many comrades around the world.
Vale Lina. Rest in Power.