The LHMU, SEIU, TWU and Service and Food Workers in New Zealand have formed a Global Union Alliance and are gearing up to build a team capable of organising whole industries across both Australia and New Zealand.
We have in recent days hired a research team of six researchers and one Lead organiser.
We are now looking for up to 24 organisers to work across Australia on a single campaign. Ten will be based in Melbourne, the rest will be placed in Branches around the country.
Experience is of course desirable but not required. We will provide intensive training in the work to be done and you will be led by a team of highly skilled lead organisers from both the SEIU and the LHMU.
If you are looking for a challenging job that puts you in the frontline of the battle against John Howard and his reengineering of Australias workplaces, this may well be the job for you. We will be organising to scale, using both top down and bottom up pressure, enlisting the help of the community in our struggle and building a force of workers that is irresistible. Nothing will be allowed to stand in the way of our success.
Salaries and conditions to be offered are competitive with similar union jobs.
In return you will need to be prepared to work very hard and at times that suit the workers we are organising.
The Organising Team will start work at the end of January 2006. We are looking for expressions of interest from people who want to be part of the team. We will be conducting interviews before Christmas and during January.
To register your interest please send an email to Could you nominate in your email which State or States you are willing to work in? Please do this as soon as possible but no later than 16 December.
If you prefer, you can write to:
Lisa Caukill
Locked Bag 9
Haymarket, NSW 1240.
Michael Crosby
Regional Organising Director