The ACTU welcomes the announcement by the ALP of a range of new policies in relation to jobs and bargaining at the Australian Public Service (APS).

The ALP has announced that they will reverse years of damage done by the Abbott/Turnbull/Morrison Government and provide improved pay and conditions across the APS.

Reforms will include:

  • Adding 1200 new permanent and full-time Department of Human Services (DHS) staff;
  • Abolishing the arbitrary average staffing level (ASL) cap;
  • Reining in wasteful spending on contractors and consultants.

Public sector workers deliver critical government services to the community. The Morrison Government’s attacks on their own workers have had a direct impact on these services.

The ACTU welcomes the decision by the ALP to abandon the punitive and regressive policies of the Morrison Government which have eroded conditions in the public service.

The public service should be a source of good secure jobs. Job security is critical to the ability of the public service to offer frank and fearless advice t the Government and deliver essential services for the entire community.

Quotes attributable to ACTU President Michele O’Neil:

“All Australian workers need a pay rise and better job security. The Federal government has a responsibility to provide this for its own employees. The Morrison Government has done the exact opposite and hollowed out conditions and pay at the public service.

“We welcome the commitment by the ALP to ensuring that the public service is a source of good, steady jobs and pay rises.

“The attacks on the public service by the Morrison Government have been an attack on services, and on the efficient operation of government.

“The Federal Government should be a best-practice employer, not amplify the worst trends in our broken industrial relations system.

“We need to change the government to change the rules for jobs in the public service.”