A Canberra restaurant owner is trying to evict two Filipino guest workers from the spartan Belconnen accommodation they rent from him just because they have stood up for their human rights.
“It seems the owner of the Zefirelli Pizza Restaurant wants to declare war on workers who stand up for their rights by evicting them from their accommodation,” Gil Anderson, ACT LHMU Secretary, said today.
Workers can’t be kicked out onto the streets
“He has told them they have to be out of the flat by Sunday but our legal advice is that he can’t kick them out onto the streets in this way – and we’ve told our people to resist any bullying.
“The restaurant boss has been making money two ways out of these workers,” Gil Anderson pointed out.
“He wants to get their labour at a discount rate by paying less than the Award.
“And he is getting back some of these low wages by putting them into basic accommodation in Belconnen.”
Earlier in the day the ACT LHMU celebrated, with an Aussie style BBQ, the support the Filipino workers are now receiving from the Canberra community and responsible hospitality employers.
Read earlier stories on LHMU website
Canberra hospitality union finds abused Filipino guest workers alternative jobs
Spin won’t resolve human rights crisis in Canberra restaurants
Senator threatens to ” name and shame” restaurants exploiting workers
Filipino guest workers locked out of jobs after making human rights complaints
Canberra restaurants: inhospitable workplace for guest workers