Today working people across Australia will protest the failure of the Morrison government to deliver secure jobs and fair pay. Working people will call for a change in Government and to change the rules in order to restore the fair go in Australia.
Working people will gather to take part in political protests in 14 centres across the country, from Cairns to Launceston, to Perth.
We have a crisis of insecure work and low wages in this country and Scott Morrison and his Government are to blame. The Morrison Government has overseen the largest decline in living standards in 30 years.
Protest rallies:
Wednesday 10 April, 2019, 10:30am, Victorian Trades Hall – ACTU President Michele O’Neil will speak.
Press conference details: 10:15am in front of the stage/truck in the cordoned off media area beside the eight-hour day monument (Corner of Russel and Victoria Streets).
Wednesday 10 April 2019, 12:30pm, Parliament House – ACTU Secretary Sally McManus will speak. Brief press conference at 1:30pm.
Quotes attributable to ACTU Secretary Sally McManus
“Working people are demanding a fair go, this means fair pay rises and more secure jobs. To achieve this, we need to change the rules at work. To change the rules, we need to change the government.
“These political protests are telling Scott Morrison that for too long our wages have stood still or gone backwards and too many families are struggling– it’s time to change this Government.
“Australia needs a pay rise. We will not sit back and let our living standards go backwards.”