The Australian trade union movement, through it’s overseas aid arm, Union Aid Abroad APHEDA, is calling on all working women and men in Australia to donate generously to the union appeal for the victims of the tsunami in South Asia. If every member of a trade union gave just $2, it would raise over $4,500,000 for the victims.
Where your donation goes:
Funds contributed to the Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA appeal will go to northern Sri Lanka, southern Sri Lanka and Acheh.
In northern Sri Lanka, APHEDA’s partner, Norwegian Peoples Aid (the aid arm of the Norwegian trade union movement) has over 600 local staff working on
delivering water, food, shelter and medical aid to heavily affected communities.
In southern Sri Lanka, the Sri Lankan trade unions have mobilised a force of 20,000 volunteers to also ensure that the water, food, shelter and medicines are delivered quickly and efficiently.
In Acheh, APHEDA is working with Achenese community organisations and other Australian aid agencies to get resources to Acheh outside of the control of the
Indonesian military.
Efficient and effective delivery of your donation
With very low administrative costs by using local trade union and volunteer structures, Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA is able to ensure that funds donated to this appeal will get through to people in need in Sri Lanka and Acheh.
We would encourage your union or workplace to make a donation to assist the victims of this disaster. By donating through Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA, your
gift can be delivered through volunteer union structures and you can be sure your donation will get to those in greatest need.
How can you donate
Any donation over $2 to APHEDA is tax deductible. APHEDA’s ABN is 76425 451 089. Authority to Fundraise CFN12752)