The Federal Government’s refusal to stand up for Australian jobs is putting at risk the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of people in our manufacturing industry says the ACTU.
Commenting on Holden’s decision to axe more than 600 jobs at its car plant in Elizabeth SA, ACTU President Sharan Burrow said:
“These latest job cuts take to 2,000 the number of jobs axed at Holden in the past two years and the Federal Government’s neglect of our manufacturing industry has resulted in the loss of 60,000 jobs nationally over the past two years.
Recent business surveys have also shown that unless the Federal Government takes more action up to 20% of our manufacturers could move all or part of their operations offshore.
We cannot rely on the resources boom forever.
We need a Government that will stand up for Australian jobs and stand up for a home-grown manufacturing industry.
With the livelihoods of so many Australians reliant on manufacturing jobs it is disgraceful that the Federal Government refused to participate in the recent development of a strategic plan for the industry.
State and territory governments, in partnership with business and unions, recently worked together to produce a strategic plan for manufacturing that would stimulate research and development, promote workforce training, boost investment and increase exports.
The Howard Government was encouraged to participate but did not do so,” said Ms Burrow.