A short film has been doing the rounds of people’s emails today and very funny it is too!
Called ’36 ways to get fired thanks to John Howard,’ the video gives a scary picture of what job security could be like under WorkChoices. Some of the circumstances depicted in the video will remain as unlawful dismissals, but workers in businesses with fewer than 100 employees will need to brief lawyers and take expensive court action to seek any remedies.
See the film at the LHMU home page
Click on the Band Together button on the LHMU website’s home page
The LHMU is publicizing the film on their website ahead of a massive campaign to increase awareness of WorkChoices among young people.
An army of LHMU activists and supporters will be handing out orange arm-bands at big concerts like Home-Bake next Saturday (December 3) and The Big Day Out at the end of January.
“There is no way a young person wanting a job over the summer – be it in a pub, a shop or at the casino – can hope to negotiate on an equal footing with their potential boss. This law sucks – and we’ve all got to stand up and say so,” said Big Brother runner-up Tim Brunero.
“I’m joining the people at one of Australia’s biggest unions – the LHMU – to hand out their orange wrist bands to remind people that now’s the time to take a stand for young people’s rights at work,” Tim said.
“Band Together, wear the wristbands at work – and let the boss know where you stand on Rights at Work.”
For further information
Contact: Annie Owens
Phone: 02 8204 7200
Contact mobile: 0425 214 881
WWW: http://www.lhmu.org.au/