The ACTU Executive has endorsed a national campaign to protect and promote the interests of Australian working families against the Federal Government’s plans to radically change Australia’s workplace laws.
Speaking at the conclusion of a two day meeting of the ACTU Executive in
Melbourne ACTU President Sharan Burrow said:
“For more than 100 years Australia has had a system of workplace laws that
has kept our workplaces decent, safe and fair. It has made sure that working
families are not left behind. This is the system the Federal Government now
wants to get rid of.
“The Federal Government’s plans are about taking Australia down the path to
an American style system where minimum wages are just $5.15 an hour.”
ACTU Executive has authorised the ACTU and State Trades and Labour Councils
to coordinate a national campaign in opposition to the Federal Government’s
plans to:
harder for award wage workers to get decent pay increases.
down the path towards a US style system with a single minimum wage of just $5.15
and hour.
through our unique system of awards.
settling disputes and setting fair and balanced minimum standards in the
employ less than 20 people.
get fair wages and conditions.
their workplace.
industrial action.
These changes, if enacted, will impact harshly upon millions of Australians,
forcing down living standards and diminishing job security and workplace safety.
They will destroy the balance in Australia’s workplaces and put unfair powers in
the hands of employers.
The ACTU has been authorised to establish a national campaign committee and
campaign fund to coordinate campaign activity to inform the public about the
Government’s proposed changes and to build public support for:
structure of minimum wages, comprehensive employment conditions, and protection
against unfair treatment.
the evaluation of changes to the safety net, and oversight of the bargaining
collectively bargain, and take industrial action to protect and advance their
interests at work.
The ACTU campaign will emphasise providing information in workplaces and to
the public to ensure as many working Australians as possible are aware of the
Government’s plans.
“The Federal Government is intent on destroying a system that has delivered
safety, fairness, decent standards and balance in Australian workplaces. Unions
have always been about ensuring fairness and balance in the workplace and that
is what this campaign is about.”