The NSW Hospitality Union has sent a huge bunch of Pink Roses to The Pink Salt restaurant.
The union congratulated the owners, Bella Serventi and Evan Hansimikali, on getting through the latest stage of the reality TV program My Restaurant Rules.
Providing the back pay, and paying decent wages not based on AWA secretive individual employment contracts, will help build the team work that a good restaurant needs to win this competition.
We’ll be watching you go through and hopefully become a winner – a top restaurant and a good employer, Ms Owens, the LHMU Hospitality Union State Secretary said in a note attached to the Pink Roses
And congrats on fixing up your wages issue.
The LHMU ran an effective web campaign promoting it on Google and dozens of websites across Australia to deliver nearly 2000 e-mails to Bella and Evan calling on them to drop individual employment contracts.
This week Bella Serventi acknowledged that the union campaign had told hundreds of thousands of people about the effect that AWAs were having on restaurant staff and the campaign was hurting them as they tried to garner votes to survive in the My Restaurant Rules competition.
For further info:
Annie Owens, 02 8204 7204 or 0425 214 881