The Australian Council of Trade Unions, the Australian Industry Group, and the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry today called on Training Ministers in all States and Territories to proceed, as a priority, with the establishment of a national regulator for the Australian Vocational Education and Training (VET) system as agreed at the April 2009 COAG meeting.
The case for the establishment of a national regulator is clear and compelling, the three organisations said.
“Vocational education and training is a key contributor to of the economic health of the nation. It contributes to the vital development of our labour markets, and is also major domestic and export industry. The scrutiny and expectations of the VET sector are high,” said Ai Group Chief Executive Officer, Heather Ridout.
“There is a strong need for a single regulator maintaining clear quality and enforceable standards that apply to all participants in the national training system, regardless of what state they reside in. The inefficiencies and ensuing confusion that arises from the current eight differing jurisdictional models of regulation are well passed their use-by date,” said ACTU President Sharan Burrow.
“The purpose of the training system is to ensure people are receiving the skills industry needs. Industry and individuals must be confident in both the quality and consistency of outcomes. This is best assured through a national approach to VET regulation,” said ACCI Chief Executive, Peter Anderson.
The establishment of a single national regulator is also an important opportunity to streamline and clarify the governance of the national training system establishing a model for regulation that will serve Australia well in to the future.