The Labor Party’s target to reduce emissions by 43 per cent by 2030 is welcomed by the ACTU.
After spending years lagging behind the rest of the developed world under Coalition governments, Labor’s target would bring us closer to our allies and major trading partners and what it will take to make the climate safe.
Unlike the Morrison Government, the ALP has a significant plan that would create hundreds of thousands of jobs, reduce power bills for families and businesses and prioritise investment in regional Australia. It is critical that our transition to a renewable economy provides secure jobs for workers and certainty for the community and business.
Australia is well placed to be a renewable energy superpower but under the Morrison Government there is no plan, investment, certainty or security for workers and their communities.
Quotes attributable to ACTU President Michele O’Neil:
“The Morrison Government has no plan to seize the new jobs and economic opportunities created by the transition to a renewable energy economy – all he’s got is a plan to pass the buck to the States, business and workers, with no investment, support or surety.
“Australia is still well placed to become a renewable energy superpower underpinned by secure jobs and lower power bills. But it is a race, and to get there requires leadership and credible plans from Government that allow all of us – unions, business, and the community – to play our part.
“After spending years lagging behind the rest of the developed world on emissions reduction, we welcome Labor’s target of 43 per cent reduction by 2030.
“Australian unions know that more work is needed at every level to support workers and communities affected by the changes we are facing in climate, industries and jobs.
“Climate change affects every worker in every job. Working people need leadership and support from the federal government.”