New polling released by the ACTU today show the vast majority of Australians understand what Malcolm Turnbull does not: that the minimum wage is too low and must be increased.

Results show 69 percent of Australians want a higher minimum wage, with 33 percent saying it should be “much higher”. Many Australians are working multiple part-time or casual jobs and are struggling to pay their bills and put food on the table because the minimum wage is simply too low.  

Key Figures

  • Only one if five Australians think the minimum wage is “about right”.
  • 69 percent of Australians say the current minimum wage ($34,980 per year) should be higher or much higher.
  • 59 percent of Liberal National voters think the minimum wage must be higher.
  • 77 percent of Labor voters think the minimum wage must be higher.

Quotes attributable to ACTU President, Ged Kearney:

“Wage growth is non-existent. More than two thirds of Australians agree our lowest paid workers need a pay rise, yet Malcolm Turnbull has already passed $24 billion in tax cuts to businesses and would like to give them another $26 billion.

“Turnbull has been listening to his corporate friends in the business lounge for too long. He won’t support a real wage increase for low-paid workers, yet more people are working casual and part time jobs and finding it harder to make ends meet.

“There are more people working casual or part time jobs than ever. One in five workers rely on the minimum wage and live week to week, with no spare change.

“The ACTU’s submission that we should increase the minimum wage by $45 a week would not only boost family budgets, it would flow on to substantial growth across the whole economy.