The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) is calling for Employment Minister Michaelia Cash to sack the law breaking Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC) boss Nigel Hadgkiss.

Mr Hadgkiss has admitted to breaking the very laws he is employed to enforce and uphold.

The ABCC boss admitted breaching section 503 of the Fair Work Act by recklessly misrepresenting the rights of union officials during entry to premises to meet with workers.

Minister Cash is unrelenting in her attacks on working people and their unions, but now the chief enforcer of these laws has admitted to breaking them.

This comes on the top of daily revelations of employers breaking the law by stealing from their employees.

Quotes attributable to ACTU Secretary Sally McManus:

“The Turnbull Government has a chance to demonstrate they do not have double standards — one set of laws for themselves and another for the rest of us.”

“Surely the person who has the highest responsibility, a greater responsibility, to abide by industrial laws is the person in charge of upholding them.”

“If a police chief recklessly broke the law, which Nigel Hadgkiss has admitted to, their position would be untenable and there would be consequences.”

“If a worker fails to follow workplace laws they can be sacked. Employment Minister Michaelia Cash is calling for the sacking of union leaders — what standard will she apply to her own employee who is in charge of upholding her laws?”

“We are used to Minister Cash’s disinterest in the rampant lawlessness that now occurs across the country where many employers are getting away with stealing money from their workers.”

“We are also used to Minister Cash allowing the severe exploitation of temporary visa workers as she focuses resources on union-bashing.”

“Australian’s are sick of one set of laws for them and another for us.”