Prime Minister Scott Morrison has continued to ignore the cost of living crisis facing working people during a week of anti-worker announcements – today revealing that if re-elected he will double the penalties issued by the ABCC, a partisan anti-union agency.

Workers saw their wages go backwards $800 on average last year and will lose another $500 in the first half of this year. Scott Morrison has not announced any measures which will generate wage growth or strengthen the rights of working people, instead announcing changes that would deepen real wage cuts for millions of workers. 

Australian workers deserve a Prime Minister who has a plan to increase their wages and protect their entitlements, not one willing to sell them out to get through another campaign.

Quotes attributable to ACTU Secretary Sally McManus:

“Working people have struggled through nearly a decade of low wage growth, and since last year have seen their wages go backwards in real terms. The Morrison Government has no plan to generate wage growth or create more secure jobs.

“We’re in a cost of living crisis and all workers have heard so far this campaign from the Prime Minister is how he’s going to punish them and cut their wages.

“Working people know that the only job Scott Morrison cares about is his own.”