A new independent poll shows that many young Australians are struggling at work and urgently need support.

The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) commissioned market research firm QDOS Research to conduct the poll in the first half of 2016, with almost 500 young Australians, between 18 and 24 years of age, taking part.

Key results:

  • Half of respondents said they were being treated poorly by their managers.
  • 56% said they were receiving no training at work.
  • 51% think they are not being paid the right amount and are concerned about their working conditions.
  • 49% said they cannot rely on getting regular work.
  • A quarter are worried they are not being paid enough superannuation by their bosses.
  • 64% don’t have any kind of career progression.
  • 72% said they would like some external support with safety issues.

Quotes attributable to ACTU President Ged Kearney:

“The results showed that many young working people have major concerns, including: being treated badly by management, no access to training or development, and issues with getting regular work and pay.”

“65% of young people have said they want to improve their skills and professional development, while 55% said they would like external support to improve job security and get regular shifts.”

“The Federal Government needs to invest in young people through education and training.”

“Employers also need to be held responsible for paying young people the right wages, their penalty rates, super and providing adequate on the job training.”

“Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Minister for Employment Michaelia Cash must turn their attention to young working people and address these serious problems.”