In response to the violent repression of trade unions in Zimbabwe over the last weeks, the ACTU sent a letter of protest to President Mugabe, the police authorities and the Embassy of Zimbabwe in Canberra.

Please add your voice and WRITE TODAY. You can adapt the attached letter and send to the Zimbabwean President,

Mr Robert G Mugabe





Fax: +

and the Embassy in Australia

Mr Felix Nyamupinga

Charg dAffaires

Embassy of the Republic of Zimbabwe

11 Culgoa Circuit

OMalley ACT 2606

Fax: (02) 6290 1680


Margaret Gillespie, ACTU Vice President and Assistant National Secretary, CPSU and Graham Rodda, Assistant Secretary of Unions ACT and Vice President of the CPSU attended the Zimbabwe Embassy in Canberra this morning and handed the Charge d’Affaires, Mr Felix Nyamupinga, a letter of protest from the ACTU.

Margaret restated the ACTU’s grave concern over recent arrests and violence toward trade union leaders and activists throughout Zimbabwe in recent weeks. Mr Nyamupinga responded that he would pass on our concerns to the Government in Harare, but could make no personal response to our representations until he had received further instructions. Mr Nyamupinga indicated that he would be willing to have further dialogue on this matter. He also indicated that he was aware that there were a broad range of international representations being made to his government in relation to the treatment of trade union leaders and activists in his country.

Please see also links to ICFTU website UKTUC