Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC) boss Nigel Hadgkiss has resigned after he admitted to spending two years breaking the law in pursuit of the anti-worker ideological agenda his political masters paid him over $420,000 a year to enact.

The ABCC boss has admitted breaching section 503 of the Fair Work Act over a two year period by recklessly misrepresenting the rights of union officials. 

Mr Hadgkiss’s resignation is a win for workers.

Quotes attributable to ACTU Secretary Sally McManus:

“Mr Hadgkiss obeyed the dictates of his political masters, Prime Minister Turnbull and Employment Minister Michaelia Cash, through ongoing attacks against working people and in the end he not only stepped over the line he set up camp there for two years.”

“As head of the ABCC, he oversaw a draconian and authoritarian body that breached Australia’s international obligations, persecuted workers and stripped away the right of silence from ordinary hard working Australians. “

“Mr Hadgkiss was an important part of the Turnbull Government’s anti-worker agenda. He was the Turnbull Government’s hand-picked, ideological cop who was given enormous licence to go after working people.”

“Working people will rightly enjoy the professional demise of a person who has made no secret of his agenda to reduce their working conditions.”

“Mr Hadgkiss was Minister Cash’s champion in her fight against working people.   That the Minister today, of all days, praised Mr Hadgkiss for “restoring the rule of law”, while systematically acting unlawfully for two years, demonstrates that the minister not only has a radical anti-worker agenda but that this resignation is entirely about limiting further damage to a government in chaos.”

“The Turnbull Government should take this opportunity to disband the ABCC and restore Australia to being a “one law for all” nation.”