The hardship working people are facing under the Morrison Government’s failed economic policies continues to intensify with the unemployment rate rising 0.2 per cent according to data released this morning by the ABS.

Seasonally adjusted underemployment also rose, up 0.3 to 8.6 per cent. Underutilisation increased 0.5 to 13.9 per cent.

Whilst Scott Morrison continues to focus on his proposed union busting laws, so called religious freedom legislation and the Nationals brawl over their party’s leadership, the economy is tanking and working Australians are paying the price.

What’s best for workers is not even on their list of priorities.

Under this Government 31,000 more people became unemployed in the last quarter.

This is the reality of work under the Morrison Government. For those who can find a job, rarely enough hours and even then, year after year of stagnant wage growth while the Government continues to insist that attacking unions, the only thing generating any wage growth in this country, should remain the highest priority.

Quotes attributable to ACTU Secretary Sally McManus

“Australian workers deserve better than a Government which continues to attack them and their unions even as unemployment rises and wages continue to flatline.

“This is a Government completely disinterested in the needs of working people and focussed on doing whatever it can for the richest Australians.

“Australians need good, secure jobs and real wage growth. Instead, the Government is attacking unions and the basic rights of working people, which is making the problem worse. Working people need more rights and better representation, not less.”