“Unions and workers will observe a minutes silence to coincide with the state funeral of the last ANZAC, Alec Campbell, at 11.00am tomorrow,” said ACTU President Sharan Burrow.
Apart from his military service, Alec Campbell also represented workers as a rank and file union member, delegate and official over many decades.
“Alec Campbell will be missed by all Australians, particularly unionists and workers for whom he fought so gallantly as Tasmanian President of the Australian Rail Union (1939-1942) and President of the Launceston Trades and Labor Council (1939-1942)” Ms Burrow said.
He was also a long-term activist with the Workers Educational Association, a member of the Amalgamated Carpenters and Joiners (now part of the CFMEU) and union activist in Launceston and Hobart railway workshops.
“Alec Campbell’s selflessness and commitment in defending Australia’s national interests in the First World War later extended to his role as a prominent defender of the rights of workers. Australia not only farewells its last surviving ANZAC but also a dedicated workers’ activist with a proud union history,” Ms Burrow said.
Representatives from the Rail Tram and Bus Union and Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union will attend the state funeral in Hobart.