Australian unions have pledged to stamp out racism in workplaces across the country, joining a new campaign to promote better understanding and inclusion for all.
ACTU President Ged Kearney said no one should ever underestimate the impact racism has on not just individuals, but on homes, communities and workplaces.
“As representatives of workers from all industries and backgrounds across the nation, Australian unions are proud to support the Australian Human Rights Commission’s awareness raising National Anti-Racism Strategy – Racism. It Stops With Me,” Ms Kearney said.
“Australians have a proud history as a multicultural nation that embraces diversity and encourages inclusion, so I know that workers and workplaces will embrace this new initiative.
“Migrants have made an enormous contribution to Australia’s economy and workforce, and continue to do so.
“We know we can learn so much from each other and our experiences no matter where we were born.
“Australia’s cultural diversity has helped shape our nation’s story and I encourage workplaces and workers to sign up and commit to publicly advocating against racism right across the community.”
More information is available at