A worker-funded mobile billboard will circulate Brisbane today to make sure the Liberal Party doesn’t dodge tough questions on workplace relations at its campaign launch.

The billboard, unveiled at last week’s leaders’ debate, is funded by small donations from hundreds of individual workers and will follow the Liberal leader during the election campaign.

ACTU President Ged Kearney said workers were concerned about the Coalition’s agenda on industrial relations and feared Tony Abbott wasn’t being upfront with them about his intentions on work rights.

“Tony Abbott does not want to talk about IR issues in this campaign, or the pressure he is under from big business to remove penalty rates and force workers onto individual contracts,” said Ms Kearney.

“But we’ve heard some alarming admissions from the Liberal Party in the past week.

“The Liberal Party’s IR spokesman Eric Abetz has revealed a Coalition Government would monitor workplace agreements lodged with Fair Work Australia and block them if workers got pay rises they thought were too high or didn’t trade away enough conditions.

“And both Mr Abetz and Mr Abbott have indicated they may back an employer application to the Fair Work Commission to slash penalty rates.

“They are also refusing to outline the terms of reference of their review of the Productivity Commission.

“It seems like Mr Abbott has his fingers crossed behind his back when he promises not to point Australian work laws back in the direction of WorkChoices. We’re very concerned about what could be unleashed if the Coalition wins government on September 7.”

ATTN MEDIA: The mobile billboard will be at 9.30am at the South Bank train station before circulating the Queensland Performing Arts Centre precinct and the Brisbane CBD. 

To line up vision of the billboard and union volunteers contact Jackie Woods on 0414 241 483.