Join the Western Suburbs Community And Unions Coalition Solidarity Picnic on Sunday, 2nd April at 1.00pm, Yarraville Gardens, Footscray, Cnr Hyde St. and Somerville Rd, Footscray. Melway 42C8, 5min. from walk from Seddon Station.
Defend Workers’ Rights and Conditions
Defend Community Living Standards
Workers’ and Communities Solidarity Picnic
Sunday, 2 April
1.00 pm, Yarraville Gardens, Footscray
Corner Hyde St. and Somerville Rd. Footscray
Melway 42C8, 5 min. from walk from Seddon Station
Compere: Corinne Grant (The Glasshouse)
Main speakers:
Sharan Burrow (President ACTU)
Phillip Huggins (Anglican Bishop)
Cath Smith (Victorian Council of Social Services)
Kevin Bracken (State Secretary, MUA)
Michele O’Neil (State Secretary, TCFU)
Rob Stary (Democratic Rights Lawye)
Janet Rice (Mayor, Maribyrnong Council)
and others……
Workers, unions and communities will continue to stand together and defend our hard won rights, working conditions, job security and community standard of living.
Entertainment: Chris Wilson, The Band Who Knew Too Much, Crawfish Dave, Sudanese Women Dancers, Indigenous Performers, Sweet Cheeks, and more….
Trade Unions and Community Information stalls
Children’s Activities
Food Stalls
Visual display
Bring along your family, friends, workmates and neighbours. Why not organise a group from your workplace or community to come together.
The Workers and Communities Solidarity Picnic has been endorsed by VTHC, Victorian Council of Churches, Victorian Council of Social Services, many individual unions, community and welfare groups, including Job Watch, Liberty Victoria, Western Suburbs Legal Service, Federation of Community Legal Centres, Women’s Health West.
Organised by the Western Suburbs Community and Unions Coalition.
Contacts: 0417 456 001, 0417 896 297 or email