The ASU Water Industry Division Committee is calling upon Branches and members of the Union, to support the right of communities to access water and to acknowledge the rights of water industry workers on World Water Day, 22nd March 2006.
For Australia this comes at a unique time when parts of the country are suffering from water shortages and future supplies are needed through infrastructure development. The Australian water industry workers and their unions are threatened by those who would take advantage of the new industrial legislation in Australia.
The ASU believes it is time to show respect for those in the water industry throughout Australia. Whether it be a Government corporatised service, Local Government, State Government department or those who work in private public partnership areas.
ASU Assistant National Secretary, Greg McLean, said “In all reality, how could society in Australia or elsewhere in the world celebrate United Nations World Water Day without acknowledging and respecting those who work in the water industry”.
All too often Governments try to attack the conditions of workers rather than work with the industry water workers in promoting joint outcomes. The ASU believes that it is time for the community and those that govern our societies to show they are committed to not only providing water to our society but also to show respect for those who provide this service.
The ASU is pleased to have received requests from not only the ASU water industry division committee but also from other Unions in Australia and internationally to support a Charter for the industry.
To view the ASU World Water Day campaign page follow the link.
To view the ASU Water Industry Charter follow the link.