Media Releases

Read current and past media statements from the ACTU.

You can also keep track of ACTU media releases by following the official ACTU feed on Twitter at @unionsaustralia.

All ACTU media enquiries should be directed to ACTU Media team:

T: 03 9664 7315 (24 hours)

Recent Media Releases

ACTU congratulates Brendan O’Connor on public service to the Australian people

July 25, 2024

The ACTU congratulates Brendan O’Connor on his public service to the Australian people.  

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Commission’s review of part-time work should deliver “roster justice”, says ACTU

July 23, 2024

The ACTU welcomes the Fair Work Commission’s commitment to examining part-time work in all awards in 2025, as part of its final report of its 2023-24 Award Review.

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Women’s pay rising steadily

July 22, 2024

Women on award wages have seen strong gains in their pay, helping to manage cost-of-living pressures, following three significant wage rises under the Fair Work Commission’s Annual Wage Reviews.

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Real wages are now growing but there is still ground to be recovered

July 10, 2024

A new OECD report has confirmed that real wages are growing again in Australia for the first time in
nearly three years.

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Future Made in Australia important for jobs and climate action

July 3, 2024

The ACTU has welcomed the Federal Government’s Future Made in Australia Act as an important step change that will lock in decades of jobs and domestic manufacturing while supercharging Australia’s transition to clean energy.

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Unions call for Net Zero Economy Authority as matter of urgency

July 2, 2024

The ACTU and regional coal and gas power workers today called on the Greens and Senate cross benchers to pass the Net Zero Economy Authority Bill.

The NZEA Bill needs to pass the Senate to set up a new Authority charged with supporting workers and communities to thrive through the energy transition.

Speaking in Canberra, ACTU President, Michele O’Neil and workers from impacted communities stressed the Net Zero Economy Authority has an urgent, important task ahead of it, as industries like coal-fired power stations start to phase down.

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Workers take home pay up from 1 July

June 28, 2024

Australian workers will experience a significant boost to their personal finances from 1 July with the combined impacts of wage rises and the Federal Government’s tax cuts.

The 3.75 per cent annual wage increases will apply from the first full pay period on or after 1 July. An entry-level retail or hospitality worker will be $2,600 per year better off; a mid-level community sector worker will be $3,260 a year better off; and a forklift driver will be $3,170 better off.

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Vale Stan Sharkey

June 21, 2024

The ACTU mourns the loss of Stan Sharkey, a giant of the Australian union movement,…

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Dutton’s dangerous nuclear fantasy will cost workers, says ACTU

June 19, 2024

The ACTU condemns Peter Dutton’s election promise of building nuclear power plants as ‘dangerous’ and ‘costly’ for Australian workers.

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Right to disconnect – not just desirable but necessary

June 12, 2024

The ACTU is continuing to press for a clear easily understood mechanism to give workers in a wide range of circumstances across all industries the right to disconnect to reclaim a level of work-life balance.

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The ACTU Network

Australian Unions

Whether you want to join a union, take action in campaigns, or make the most of the benefits of being a union member, Australian Unions is the place to go for information and resources.
Visit Australian Unions

Mind Your Head

We’re taking action to protect workplace mental health.
Visit Mind Your Head


Your rights at work for students and for people entering the workforce for the first time.
Visit Worksite


Information and resources for health and safety representatives and workers about how to speak up at work for health and safety.
Visit OHS

Union Aid Abroad

Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA is the overseas aid and development agency of the ACTU. Our work aims to build self-reliance through support to educational and training projects for workers and their organisations in the developing world.
Visit Union Aid Abroad

ACTU National Union Directory

Find who you are looking for from the who’s who of the union movement.
Visit the ACTU National Union Dictionary
Australian Council of Trade Unions

Representing Australian workers and their families.